The Third Annual Beer Revival & BBQ Cookoff was this weekend and it was a great opportunity for everyone in attendance to indulge in great BBQ and beer, all while enjoying the beautiful scenary of the Russian River. This year's festivities raised funds for the Russian River Senior Center. Tickets are limited and the crowd managable, meaning there was plenty of food and beer to go around. My wife, Tracy, and I certainly enjoyed the whole event and will certainly be making the 2.5 hour trip out again next year. Here are a few pictures.

Brian of Moonlight Brewing - His "20 to Life" Sour Ale was a huge hit with many in attendance - myself included.
Brian of Moonlight Brewing - His "20 to Life" Sour Ale was a huge hit with many in attendance - myself included.
Brewers of Trumer out of Berkely. Darren Moser, Lead Brewer, and Dave, assistant brewer, thanks for the glass. Oh, Dave, it is always good to see you, we've missed you since you left Beermann's.
More Pictures online here - or listen to the Podcast from the Festival.