I was at the Nugget Market in Roseville the other day and was happy to find cases of new Green Flash beers - Imperial IPA, Barleywine & Trippel. We've sampled both the IIPA and BW on the previous shows, but this was my first experience with the Trippel.
The aroma is pretty sweet with hints of apple and cinamon present. No hops noted and mild yeast character.
The appearance was what you expect - golden color, suspended yeast (bad pour on my part) with a white fluffy head.
Taste starts fruity sweet with some honey type notes. As with aroma, getting some apple in the taste - similar to a cooked apple or apple sauce. Hop bittering is moderate - on the mild side. Finishes sweet with a lingering bitterness.
With a medium body, soft carbonation and mild alcohol warming, this beer is very easy to drink. I can't say this is my favorite option from the guys at Green Flash, but for an American made Trippel, this is very nice.
If you see this in your area, and like the Belgian styles, you won't be sorry to pick up a bottle of two for your future enjoyment.
Rating: 3.5 / 5